The Ron Burgundy Podcast has got to be one of the funniest and ridiculous 2019 podcasts. Add Carolina Barlow and it’s no wonder why it’s one of the most listened to podcasts on iHeartRadio. Offering up a pinch of technology, comedic bits of gold and the man himself, Ron Burgundy, it’s a weekly podcast that makes you laugh, cringe and cry all in the same moment.

Ron Burgundy Podcast: Antics, Originality and Creativity.
Nobody is really a long time listener as the iHeartRadio podcast highlighting Ron only has a season under their belt. I can say that, for the most part, I truly enjoyed the intense spewing from the show since the beginning -- including the insanely outrageous interview with Peter Dinklage --- over the past few months. Intertwining the basics of good old fashion radio with the ongoing antics of Ron Burgundy is amusing to the ears. Ron could not be more out of control though, and that’s where Carolina Barlow is a star of the show. She keeps all of it (Ron, the program and everyone in the studio) contained.
Who is Carolina Barlow?
According to several resources, Carolina Barlow is the producer, writer and co-host on The Ron Burgundy Podcast. She might be best described as doing all the heavy lifting behind the scenes for Ron, and she keeps him on the straight and narrow. She’s part of the show that sometimes is overlooked as Burgundy is so darn loud about his namesake podcast.
Ron Burgundy’s producer Carolina Barlow is a real star
As much as I adore Ron Burgundy, it’s Carolina Barlow that listeners all relate to on a very basic level. We all know an individual (sometimes our boss, other times our pals or it could be a family member) who needs to be reeled in and apologized for on a consistent basis. Carolina apologizes in almost every podcast. She says she is sorry for Ron to famous people, normal people and even the listeners. She is the woman who smooths out life after a tornado comes through (yes, we are talking about you, Ron.)
Keeping it real on the podcast, Carolina Barlow doesn’t let Ron Burgundy off the hook when he spews outrageous blabber about situations that obviously need to be fact checked. And in the spirit of letting him spout off, Carolina doesn’t get offended as he sometimes divulges less than kind reflections about her either. It’s a fictionally-factionally slope on this podcast with no bizarre moment shared twice. Delighting the listener all the way.
Somebody needs to tell Carolina Barlow thanks for for making the first season of the Ron Burgundy Show worthy of listening. No matter just how much Ron Burgundy carries on, it’s Carolina Barlow who makes the show consistent and focused for the listener. She deserves a bonus, a bigger microphone to offset her massive contribution and maybe even a vacation outside of San Diego far away from Ron.
While Ron Burgundy might not understand the need for Carolina Barlow in the recording booth, the listeners do. She is the listener’s best friend on the Ron Burgundy Show. Her focus is keeping the conversation going and corralling the famous San Diego voice without overpowering him. She appears to be the one person who over-performs and is underappreciated all while smiling (well, we assume she is smiling but it might be gritting her teeth) as it sounds like she does her job effortlessly.
The smashing success of the Ron Burgundy Podcast has many people in Hollywood scratching their heads in surprise. How could this man from the movies share verbal insights to the masses and people listen? The answer is simple: Ron and Carolina are a perfect team on The Ron Burgundy Podcast offering listeners a consistent weekly podcast that always surprises.