It's hard to believe YouTube 15th birthday is upon us. Frankly, who would have thought videos, now more than ever, are what occupy our time and create a whole new learning channel for the masses. It's especially interesting to see the first video, Me At the Zoo, as it offers a reflection of how far the video community has come.
Technology is further advanced in the video world than in most technologies. With a cell phone, an idea and a little elbow grease you can embrace about any subject for a video. Add all the glitz and glam of being an instant celebrity and YouTube is the platform millions of people rush towards. However, the principle of sharing videos hasn't really changed. The idea behind the freedom of expression is literally the same and even though the quality might be better for some videos (not all, mind you) the reason we share videos still has that nugget of truth.
YouTube 15th Birthday: Sharing Special Moments
We all want to capture those special moments in time to relive again and again. From a proposal surprise to showing off a new car, those life moments are ours to keep. When you have a video, it magnifies the moment. Friends, family and even perfect strangers have a change to see the moment too. Videos are the best of the best when it comes to connecting. They also offer up a visual opportunity for us to connect and explore new things, without a tangible commitment. Except for time to watch, but that's small comparatively.
YouTube Isn't Just about Videos Anymore: It's about Money
While we all do love videos, the commercialization of YouTube (and videos) can't be overlooked. Impacting millions, people use videos to offer up services, sales and items that we all probably should live without. Creating livelihoods on YouTube, the platform started with the idea of sharing, it's become a major powerhouse where millions of people see videos, but more importantly see ads too.
Offering up valuable visual elements, the more people engaged the more money you might make. It's pretty obvious YouTube is all about money. From the intense pranks, to outrageous stunts and everything in-between the professionals are absolutely desperate to draw in viewers for a piece of the pie. The cute videos are harder and harder to find while the fultime YouTuber puts out video after video pitching products and services for a cut.
YouTube 15th Birthday: What Will the Future Bring?
With the video world still wide open, the future of what will be next is still unknown. The platform still offers an opportunity for any video, no matter who records it, a chance to be seen by the masses. There is some thrill to trying to get a video to go viral as it's a game of chance but with lower odds than hitting a jackpot in Vegas.